The easiest way to tell is to see if you have the Developer tab available on the Ribbon in Excel.
This setting is because macros can be a possible malware vector. Working with macros in Excel on your Mac may not be enabled by default. Caution: This will allow ALL macros, both good and bad, to run without any further warning. To allow all macros to run select the Enable all macros radio button. Which Office for Mac Suite are you using? For information about VBA for Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, see the following: Excel VBA reference. If you are authoring Macros for Office for Mac, you can use most of the same objects that are available in VBA for Office. Use VBA add-ins and macros that you developed for Office for Windows with Office for Mac. Now the Microsoft Visual Basic editor should appear and you can view your VBA code. Then click on the Editor option in the Visual Basic group.
Select the Developer tab from the toolbar at the top of the screen.